10 April, 2015

Chinese Philosophy & Medicine

When you learn about Qigong you will come to understand the basics of Chinese medicine, which uses natural methods to treat and heal and to balance the internal organs through herbs, massage, moxibustion, acupuncture and Qigong. The first four types of healing skill mainly depend on others giving you treatment, but Qigong is a way of self-healing. All five, however, are based on the principles of Yin and Yang -a question of balance.

In the West, people take medicines or drugs, vitamins and high nutrition foods in an attempt to make themselves healthy. Gradually the body becomes saturated with these substances -which are already present in a healthy body -and after a while the body becomes reliant on them. As a result, if people forget to take their pills or 'health food' or other props, they become weak and tired. The body starts to lose its normal functions and can no longer produce its own energy. The search for different or stronger medicines and specialist doctors continues until there is nothing and no one left who can offer any help. What a very depressing way to try to become healthy and to treat our ailments!

Fish in their natural state obviously have bones, so why don't the fish served up in fish and chip shops have any?

The reason is that Western people remove the bones to make it easy to eat. Everything in modern society is geared towards making life easy so we do not need to work hard to get what we want. Eventually we will lose the natural original way to live by becoming so distanced from nature, even in the way we eat fish. Did you know that fishbone shave all the essence of the nutrients? Chinese people like to suck the marrow from the bones.

The Chinese philosophy known as 'Dao' is the right way. It holds that everything has its own way, from a stone to a piece of paper to a human being. In other words, everything must be natural, and natural means balanced.

The Scripture of Change (Yi ling or I-Ching), which is 'around five thousand years old, first laid down the concept of Yin and Yang. Since then it has played a very important part in Chinese culture. The Yi ling says: 'Wuji creates Taiji; Taiji creates Liang Yi, two forms; two forms create Si Xiang, four images; and four images create Bagua, eight situations.' What this means is that from nothing comes something, something creates Yin and Yang, Yin and Yang create four images, and four images create eight situations.

The universe started from nothing. From nothing it became something. When something is created there must be two forms, two faces or two different situations - for instance, if one is the front there must be an opposite, the back. If one side is right, there must be a left to balance. So if we know fire, there must also be water to balance it. Male and female balance, tall and short, dark and light and so on -there are two different situations to balance the whole universe. If there is only one of something it will become too strong or too weak and will disappear by itself. For example, if there was only fire in the world, one day the world would become too hot and burn out.

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