29 January, 2014

The Stress of Life - contd...

Most of us exercise only inconsistently. For a few months or years we become addicted to jogging, aerobics, cycling, swimming or even muscle building, but then give up when faced by setbacks or difficulties, however much good we feel the exercise may be doing us. Sometimes we get bored by the exercise; our bodies may be exercising but our minds remain unsatisfied. Sometimes we train too hard, sustaining injuries that prohibit doing that sport for a while, thus eroding our determination and weaken our will. Once that happens, exercise becomes too much like hard work, so we give up.

We need some form of exercise that gently and steadily exercises and relaxes the body and most importantly, refreshes the mind. We need to be able to control the stress we are experiencing, instead of being controlled by it. We need to develop our spiritual and emotional resilience so that we can put the demands and stresses of life in proper perspective and not be plagued by them. We need to prevent health problems before they happen.

Tai Chi can help achieve well-being and balance in one’s life, as a highly beneficial daily health-care program best known for its relaxing effects. Tai Chi is a recreational and refreshing exercise art being practiced by the Chinese people for more than seven centuries. It is a system of flowing movements from exercising and developing the body and mind.

Tai Chi’s basis lies in a philosophy derived from the principles of nature, which place it in harmony with the needs of our minds and bodies, rather than at odds with them, as are so many other forms of exercise.

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