spend good amount of time feeling tense, hasty and exhausted, which is the
characteristic of urban life style in modern world. The hectic pace of modern
living and lack of exercise leave us tired and drained. End of the day what we
look is to spread on sofa in front of television, worrying about
responsibilities with lots of stress and indulging ourselves with sweets and
rarely find a person who feels peaceful and content, who actually wants to use
his mind, imagination or creativity to enrich his life with a good book, a
creative hobby or pursue a whole new area of interest. We have neither physical
energy nor the mental space to live beyond the relentless demands of office-work,
housework, shopping, taking care of children and so on. No wonder so many of us
do so little to improve the quality of our lives! Apart from the requirements
of everyday leaving, there is a tremendous demand on us in terms of time and
increased efforts to keep up with changes; deal with constant pressure and cope
with fear or failure.
We may
think that this is an exaggerated scenario and is not applicable to us. We may
also think that everything is under control and we are doing much more than
required to keep things under control until we suddenly find – we have high
blood pressure or we are suffering from migraine headache or unexplainable
digestive disorder or some such similar symptoms indicating a health problem.
already know the theory of how we can cope better with everyday life; become
physically fitter and reduce any stress we may feel. This involves attending to
our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs. Yet it is hard to know
exactly what to do, let alone to actually do it.
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